"Coco" The Cultural Show

On the occasion of children day St Edmunds Nursery School, Jawahar Nagar celebrated its annual function in the School premises. The programme began with the welcoming of the honourable chief guest, Mr Hari Dutt Kalla Ji, director cum resource person (Music and dance department Jawahar Kala Kendra).
The programme commenced with garlanding of Lord Ganesha with the lighting of the ceremonial lamp and gave a tribute to School founder Late Shri Ranbir Singh Ji by Hon’ble chief guest.

International Kids Film Festival

The International kid's film festival was organized at St Edmund’s School, Jawahar Nagar on 5th, 6th November 2019.
St Edmund’s always strives to make the learning easier & efficient. On the other hand, IKFF also had the moral to teach the children new things like making films, recognizing social issues and watching unique & impressive content.

French students explore Indian culture

St Edmund’s School is always working to create cultural exchanges around the world, and it hosted several such exchanges in 2019. This year, French students had the opportunity to learn about India’s heritage, culture and history while participating in an exchange program at St. Edmund’s School,Jawahar Nagar. The students from France attended several special functions and events during their stay. The students took part in a Halloween competition where they got to show off their talents and socialize not only with the students of St.

The Halloween Costume fest & Comic Strip

On 31st October 2019, The inter-school French competition was organized in St. Edmunds School, Jawahar Nagar on the occasion of Halloween.
The event comprised of two parts; The Halloween Costume fest for the students of 6th to 8th grade, where they tried on the images of different mythical characters like vampires, zombies and Witches. They had to present their speech in French, thus showcasing not only their fashion sense but the linguistic powers as well.

Teacher's exchange programme in Greece & Bulgaria

Mrs Puneet Soni(PRO), Mrs Priya Panjwani Malhotra(TGT social science) and Dr Rageshwari Paniya (PGT biology) from St Edmunds school, Jawahar Nagar participated in the teacher exchange program in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria. There, they visited Emiliyan Stanev school to meet the school’s deputies, strengthening the relationship between St. Edmund’s and the Bulgarian school. Their visit lasted a week, during which time they learnt about Bulgaria’s unique culture and heritage and enjoyed exploring the city.

Scottish students at St Edmund's School

On 17th October 2019, as a part of the exchange programme, the Scottish Students along with their teachers visited St. Edmunds School, Jawahar Nagar. The guests were welcomed in a pure Indian way with our traditions which included applying Tikas on their forehead and making them wear the flower garlands.

The students learned the methods of Indian education closely, while the team of teachers of Wellington School also went to the children's class and discussed with the students about the education system and culture of their country.

School Principal Mrs Anu Bhatia attended an international Conference "UCAPE" in UK

St. Edmunds School, Jawahar Nagar has been actively participating in international projects. School Principal Mrs Anu Bhatia has attended an international Conference "UCAPE" hosted by Wellington School, Ayr Scotland. More than 80 delegates from different countries have participated in this conference. The main objective was to learn, share and collaborate with each other's perspective and to exchange the project ideas. It has been a wonderful platform for developing links regarding international exchange. This would help St. Edmunds to set its own paradigm at an international level.

Students bring Laurel in CBSE Clusters West Zone Boxing championship

Students of St' Edmund's School Jawahar Nagar, got selected in CBSE Nationals, Mohit Verma, class 12 and Naman Sharma, class 11 for winning a Gold and a bronze medal respectively in U-19 CBSE Clusters West Zone Boxing championship.
The school's joint director Dr Pooja Singh and Principal Mrs Anu Bhatia congratulated Students for this magnificent achievement.

Cleanliness Campaign

To support the cleanliness campaign, students of St. Edmunds School, Jawahar Nagar have volunteered a swachhta project in collaboration with "Contree" an organisation run by youth. Under this initiative, a team of more than 50 students have done the cleaning in Dushera maidan, Jaipur. This enthusiastic participation has helped them to contribute in swachhta abhiyaan and to become an aware citizen.
