From the eye of Junior Editors- Azhar Ali and Mohd.Faiz of Class IV

This result is an outcome of continuous practice, smart studying strategies and staff involvement and guidance.
Congratulations! Parents for their cooperation, Staff members for their dedication and worthy students for their Hard work.

St. Edmunds in association with the Centre for science and environment (CSE) organised a Green School orientation session to introduce meaningful environment education at the school level.
Around 40 schools participated all over Jaipur. The resource person Aditi Sharma(Programme officer CSE) and Ruchika Sharma (deputy programme manager)from CSE stated that St Edmund’s school was certified as a green school, acknowledging regular practices to make the school green and clean. This recognition is the outcome of the continuous involvement of students and staff in creating innovative ideas to utilize resources efficiently.
They emphasized that School carry all the practices which are laid under GSP including sustainable mode of transport, maximum use of energy efficient lighting and alternative energy, minimum use of conventional light, rainwater harvesting etc..
The philosophy behind green schools holds that schools should not only nurture knowledge and understanding but also create the foundation of environmental ethics among students.

It was a fruitful session for all the schools. The teachers showed a keen interest in participating in the Green audit and will make all possible changes to make school green.
School joint director Dr Pooja Singh and Principal Mrs Anu Bhatia gave a vote of thanks for organizing the session.

St. Edmund’s School, Jawahar Nagar is proud to announce that Ashutosh Sharma is Jaipur City topper in Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojna examination(KVPY), a National scholarship exam conducted by II Sc, Bangalore initiative to encourage students to take up careers in the Sciences. He is entitled to a scholarship of 80,000/-Pa.
School Joint Director Dr. Pooja Singh Congratulated him for his sheer hard work and dedication.

St.Edmund’s Jawahar Nagar organised interesting Magic shows for students of pre-primary and primary classes. The magician presented intriguing tricks that left the students and teachers spellbound. He told them that magic is only an illusion of the eyes and simple hand-tricks. Kids enjoyed the magic show. Magician played tricks with balls, handkerchief and flowers. Children could not stop their excitement and were enthralled to see them.
