Deserving young talents of St. Edmund’s School, Jawahar Nagar, were bestowed with the responsibility of leading their School from the front with their commitment, confidence and competence on 27 April 2018.

The school held the investiture ceremony with great enthusiasm. The event commenced with garlanding the divine, lighting the inaugural lamp and paying tribute to Late Shri Ranbir Singh Ji the founder of the institution. It was a solemn occasion where the young students were all prepared to don the mantle of leadership and discharge the responsibilities entrusted to them by the school. To inculcate the leadership qualities in students and to give them a feel of leaders and a sense of responsibility the new “Prefectorial Body” is formed every year. The students pledged to serve the school with knowledge, power, duty, discipline and to fulfil their responsibilities to the best of their abilities. Badges were pinned to the newly elected members of the Council. The student council under the leadership of Head Boy –Tanish Katta and Head Girl Tanvi Khanna took the oath to adibe by the school rules and hold the school motto of Loyalty, Truth and Honour in high esteem.

The function was presided over by the Principal Mrs Anu Bhatia. In her speech, she encouraged the students to be committed to important issues and to always remember that leadership comes with integrity.

To sensitize the children to become the crusaders for environment conservation, St. Edmund’s School, Jawahar Nagar organized “Earth Day Celebration”.
The theme of this year’s Earth Day was decided, keeping in mind current Clean India and Go Green Mission.
The tiny tots planted saplings in the school premises. Children also participated in creative activities like slogan writing, poster making, article writing displaying their artistic and linguistic skills while showcasing their awareness about conserving natural resources.

St. Edmund’s school Jawahar Nagar held its Graduation ceremony for grade Prep. The event was graced by principal Mrs Anu Bhatia.On this day Shubham Kumar and Ayesha Khan got the title of Mr.Edmunds and Miss Edmunds.
The students have presented a memento to keep the memories of their alma mater alive.While sharing their experience, the parents applauded the efforts of the school.

Director Academics,St. Edmund’s school Jawahar Nagar, Mrs. Meena Singh has been awarded 'L.M.ESHWAR BORN TO EDUCATE' award by L.M.ESHWAR FOUNDATION at Mahima Panorama, Jagatpura on the occasion of International Women's Day.
It was a moment of great pride and joy for whole of the EDMUND'S family at the felicitation ceremony.

St. Edmund's school,Jawahar Nagar got "Silver Level Award" for setting up "Wealth out of waste" a student enterprise team, by "Teach a Man to Fish" for actively developing enterpreneurial skills in the students.
